There's nothing necessarily wrong with taking a less adversarial path but it is still a choice...our choice. If we are between the proverbial rock and a hard place then seldom do we arrive without our own consent. These "I have no choice" stories and their synonyms are like a psychological game we play that leads to another story we may tell our self, "I am not responsible" for the outcomes because "I had no choice" or "it was not my decision". Do any of our "I had no choice" stories authentically serve us well? It's not likely.
A friend tells me that they would like to make more money but they would need to go back to college to get a Master's Degree to do so and...they do not have the time or money to make that happen. "It's just not in the cards." Really. First, I know lots of people who are now making "more money" who did not go back to get a Masters Degree. The requirement for higher education is simply a story my friend tells that constrains their desire to have a better income. Secondly, there are plenty of people in their life circumstance who have gone back and received their Masters and found more fulfilling careers. Thirdly, they have as much time as anyone else. There is no shortage of time. Could they not go on the web and find thousands of stories of people in their circumstance or worse who found a way to improve their financial well- being? Yes...they could. Fourthly, there are many, many online colleges that are relatively inexpensive who also accommodate busy schedules and provide financial aid. Choose the story you want to tell.
Well, this is a short blog so I am just going to provide a starting place. Changing your story involves changing what you allow yourself to see. So, ask and answer these questions of yourself.
Write the answers down.
- What would you like to create for your life experience?
- Why is this meaningful to you?
- What assumptions am I making that I am not aware I am making that give me what I currently see (my present life circumstance)?
- What might I now invent that I haven't yet invented that would give me other choices?
You Are A Coffee Bean...Being Brewed to Perfection (Part 1)
Risk, Weeds and Mistakes Make Us Better (Part 2)
We Are Like The Sumatran Coffee Bean (Part 3)
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