Additionally and unfortunately, some of us are much more skilled at focusing on failure, disappointment and other people's hurtful comments. Even here...gratitude can help us unlearn this habit and almost unconscious choice we make. Instead of automatically thinking negatively about some setback or obstacle, the practice of gratitude can helps us consider what we value about our current life, how thankful we are for the good that is occurring and help us be thankful that things are not worse.
Exercise: Think of something that was "hard" that you endured previously that has served to train you and prepare you. Write down how this "hard" event has helped you over the weeks, months or years since it happened. Is there someone from this event that you could call, write or email and express "thanks"? Find them and do it.
Benefits of Gratitude: Savoring Life’s Good Times (1)
7 Strategies to Becoming a Happier Person (1)
Does Money Make You Happy?
“Why Be Happy? It Can’t Buy You Money” said Henny Youngman
Myths of Happiness (Part 1)
Myth #2: I Must Change My Circumstances To Be Happy (Part 2)
Myth #3: You Are Either Happy Or You’re Not (Part 3)
What’s More Important: GDP or Gross domestic Happiness?