Ever Considered Hiring A Coach? (1)
Coaching Helps You Be Happy...So What? (3)
So…What’s Different?
People who have established a vision and can state what they want to create with their life (even if over time that vision changes) develop a profoundly different decision making process than those who are “what’s wrong” or fear based. In fact, their
orientation towards what is a “problem” most likely will change. What was once viewed as a problem may not even register as difficulty any more. A quick example: if we believe that communicating at work is like going to war (a problem or “what’s wrong view) then our mood, enjoyment, energy and language will reflect it. We might say or think things like: “the demands made on me are indefensible”, “my ideas always get shot down”, “defend yourself if you want to win” or “if you say that he will wipe you out”.
On the other hand, if communication at work is more like a dance (the vision of what you would like it to be...perhaps) then and again, our mood, enjoyment, energy and language will reflect it…over time. You might reframe your thinking in questions like “are we demolishing arguments or learning to keep in step with each other”, “are we combatants of performers” or “are we defeating our enemy or learning to perform in a balanced and pleasing way”. In this way of engaging communication at work, even your expectations adjust. A problem oriented approach might inspire us to say, “We should not be having communication problems like this” and anger or frustration or both may be the emotional response. However, if communication is a dance, then we expect there to be some missteps because we all make mistakes even people “who should know better.”
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"You are important to me. As I think back to my life prior to coaching with you, I remember a lot of anger, self-hate and complete frustration with my inability to EVER have a satisfying day, especially at work. Now I can say that most of my
days are the exact opposite as I am able to cruise through the day without creating so much unnecessary emotional turmoil and internal drama for myself. I make fewer assumptions about people and situations and have the ability to not take everything so personally, all of which were creating negative judgments about me and about my situation.
The tools you gave me were easy to implement and made a tremendous difference in my life. In addition, your ability to talk
me through and finally out of my internal turmoil was amazing. I had so many "aha" moments during our sessions that I always
looked forward to what you would reveal to me each time. You are amazing and I will always be grateful to you and you will always hold a special place in my heart for saving me from myself, my own worst enemy.
Now, I know that I can create whatever life I choose and that the story of my life is solely up to me and not in the control of others, like I had once assumed. I am not a victim. What a difference that has made. So thank you, thank you, thank you
for working with me and giving me my life back.
With Much Appreciation and Love,
Maria Sanders
CFO, Peachtree Orthopaedic Clinic
October 2013